Piracy and Maritime Security

  • Is Maritime Security Necessary on Modern Ships?

    Is Maritime Security Necessary on Modern Ships?

    It’s vital for ships to stay vigilant. Isolation from land means having no backup or protection for miles, making them vulnerable to attacks and other threats. Equip modern ships using modern maritime security methods.

  • What Is the Maritime Transportation Security Act?

    What Is the Maritime Transportation Security Act?

    The Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) is arguably the most important legislation regulating overseas travel. The United States Congress passed the MTSA in 2004 and has since made many updates. […]

  • Do Pirates Still Exist?

    Do Pirates Still Exist?

    I’m going to ask you to close your eyes for a second, conjure the image of a pirate in your brain, and then open them again. Okay, do it now. […]