Knowledge Base

  • What Does a Longshoreman Do?

    What Does a Longshoreman Do?

    Longshoremen play a critical role in the global supply chain, bringing billions worth of cargo into the country. So what does a longshoreman do exactly?

  • Extreme Heat Hazards Faced by Seafarers

    Extreme Heat Hazards Faced by Seafarers

    What must sailors know to stay safe and make it back to shore healthy and happy? Here’s a closer look at the extreme heat hazards seafarers face and the precautions and procedures they must know before setting sail. 

  • What Is Rigging?

    What Is Rigging?

    Rigging has been an essential part of preparing vessels for travel since the invention of the first sailboat. The word is both a noun and a verb, meaning “clothing” or […]