Ship Navigation

  • What is Wheel Over Point And Turning Radius?

    What is Wheel Over Point And Turning Radius?

    The ability of a ship to turn tightly and come exactly on the new intended track after altering course is an important issue in passage planning because of safety considerations. […]

  • Comprehensive Explanation of the COLREGs Rule 1

    Comprehensive Explanation of the COLREGs Rule 1

    The COLREGs are the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. They are a set of information, advice, guides, and mandatory rules that all ships must follow in order to […]

  • What is the NATO Phonetic Alphabet?

    What is the NATO Phonetic Alphabet?

    Pilots, police officers, military officials, and maritime officers communicate through radio and phone calls. The recipients need to receive the exact information, but sometimes it isn’t easy. In poor networks […]

  • Magnetic Compass Maintenance And Safe Adjustment

    Magnetic Compass Maintenance And Safe Adjustment

    An officer of the watch needs very important information during his watch and voyage. These are position and course/heading. The position, it is normally taken from the GPS equipment. For […]