Ship Operations

  • How Does FSRU Work and Their Benefits

    How Does FSRU Work and Their Benefits

    Floating Storage and Regasification Units (FSRUs) are an increasingly popular method of storing and regasifying liquefied natural gas (LNG). The units are essentially floating LNG storage tanks equipped with the […]

  • What Is Ship Chartering? Charter Types Explained!

    What Is Ship Chartering? Charter Types Explained!

    The need for organizations to transport goods by sea in a cost-effective manner constitutes the backbone of Global trade. Organizations achieve this objective by either using their own ships or […]

  • What Is a Cargo Manifest in Shipping?

    What Is a Cargo Manifest in Shipping?

    Paperwork is essential to transport and trading, and shipping follows suit. A cargo manifest in shipping is used to keep track of everything, including a list of cargo, passengers, and […]

  • What Is ETA and ETD in Shipping?

    What Is ETA and ETD in Shipping?

    In maritime transport, it is often difficult to accurately determine the time of arrival or even departure of a vessel from a port. For this reason, the abbreviations ETA and […]

  • Top 10 Ship Classification Society?

    Top 10 Ship Classification Society?

    The construction and functionality of maritime boats and offshore constructions are governed by and upheld by the ship classification society, a non-governmental entity. In this article, we will look into […]

  • What Is A Ship Classification Society?

    What Is A Ship Classification Society?

    Just like government entities governing rules for citizens, certain laws govern the rules for ships and offshore structures which are governed by bodies called classification societies. The classification society is […]