Ship Operations

  • Who Is a Ship or Port Agent? Ship Agent Duties

    Who Is a Ship or Port Agent? Ship Agent Duties

    Maritime transport, by definition, involves many different arrangements at the various ports of call of a ship. Because of the spatial distances involved, these arrangements would otherwise be impossible to […]

  • Cargo Sweat and Ship Sweat

    Cargo Sweat and Ship Sweat

    Shipboard cargo damage can occur for several reasons. These include accidents caused by moisture, flooding, or rainwater. Moisture damage, however, is one of the most prevalent causes of cargo damage […]

  • What are Stevedores in Shipping?

    What are Stevedores in Shipping?

    Ships carry a wide array of goods ranging from foodstuff, machinery, vehicles, oil, gas, and dry goods. At the port, the goods are unloaded from one vessel to the warehouse […]

  • NYC’s Annual Tugboat Races

    NYC’s Annual Tugboat Races

    Tugboat races, commonly known as tug races, are competitions among tugs that involve a one-mile-long race among other events. The competitions are held once every year to entertain and educate […]

  • Major Ports in Ghana

    Major Ports in Ghana

    The sea has always been an important part of human history, and seaports have long been an important part of maritime trade. Seaports are more important than ever today, as […]

  • How Are Containers Secured On Ships?

    How Are Containers Secured On Ships?

    When it comes to transporting goods, containers are a vital part of the process. But just how secure are they while in transit on ships at sea? On the open […]

  • Cargo Hold Ventilation on Ships

    Cargo Hold Ventilation on Ships

    The need to provide an efficient cargo hold ventilation system on ships to ensure the quality of transported items is critical. Such a system is required to minimize the formation […]

  • How Much Fuel Cargo Ships Carry?

    How Much Fuel Cargo Ships Carry?

    Cargo ships are classified according to their sizes as well as the fuel they can carry. For instance, Panamax size cargo ships can carry approximately 5,700 MT up to 8,000 […]